
표제어Determinants of Union Entrance and Relative Wage Effect of Unions in Korea


설명The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, it attempts to estimate the relative wage effect of labor unions in Korea and second, to analyze the determinants in the decision to join a union. Through use of the two-step estimation method to adjust the sample selection bias, the relative wage effect of labor unions is attained. Using this result, determinants of a worker`s decision to join a union is estimated for the male production workers in Korea. After eliminating the sample selection bias, we estimated that the relative wage effect of labor unions in Korea to be 2.1%. As for the determinants of a worker`s decision to join a union, rather than such weak wage effect, the worker`s decision to join a union, rather than such weak wage effect, the worker`s socio-economic status plays a greater role.

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